From July 12 to 21, 2024, the Chess Federation of Serbia is organizing an 4th INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CHESS FESTIVAL called "SERBIA OPEN 2024". This year, 13 tournaments in different categories will be played at the festival, with a prize pool of over €35,000! We believe that every interested chess player will find a suitable tournament and enjoy our Festival!

Od 12. do 21. jula 2024. godine, Šahovski savez Srbije organizuje 4. Međunarodni letnji šahovski festival pod nazivom "Srbija open 2024". Ove godine, u okviru festivala biće odigrano 13 različitih turnira za ukupnim nagradnim fondom preko 35.000 Evra. Verujemo da će svaki zainteresovani šahista naći odgovarajući turnir i da će uživati na našem Festivalu!

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From July 16 to 24, 2023, the Chess Federation of Serbia is organizing an INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CHESS FESTIVAL called "SERBIA OPEN 2023". 

This year, 11 tournaments in different categories will be played at the festival, with a prize pool of over €35,000! We believe that every interested chess player will find a suitable tournament and enjoy our Festival!

International master from Greece Yevgenios Ioannidis is the winner of the second international chess tournament SERBIA OPEN 2022!  In the game of the last round, in a direct duel for the first place, he defeated the representative of Serbia, Grandmaster Aleksandar Inđić, and with 8 points won from 9 games, he achieved a result that even the world's leading grandmasters would envy.

Serbian Grandmaster Aleksandar Inđić achieved his fifth consecutive victory at the 2022 Serbia Open and thus reached the second place.  Tomorrow, he will have the opportunity to play for the title at the strongest chess open tournament in Southeast Europe.  His opponent will be the Greek international master Evgenios Ioannidis, who has 7 points and half a point more.

Definitely the biggest surprise of the Serbia Open 2022 is the Greek international master Evgenios Ioannidis.  Today, in the seventh round, he outplayed the Indian grandmaster Harsha with white pieces and thus retained the leading position.  He has half a point more than his closest follower, another Indian Grandmaster Arjan Chopra.  Those two will play against each other tomorrow.

And here we go for the 6th round of the Serbia Chess Open! In the Masters tournament, 5 players were at 4.5 points out of 5 and played together on the first three boards. The performance of the day was clearly that of the Greek international master Ioannidis Evgenios (2459 Elo) who beat with black pieces the Indian grandmaster Adhiban B. (2616 Elo).